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Care Leavers Local Offer


Peterborough’s Local Offer for Care Leavers

Employment - We will work with you to explore your employment choices, and provide a Care Leaver Apprenticeship Bursary. Information about Care Leaver Apprenticeship Bursary on GOV.UK website. We can help you to find work within the Council and in the local community.

Education - We can support your education choices by providing a dedicated 'Care Leaver Education and Employment Coordinator.' We will show you relevant training courses and any bursaries you may be eligible for. If you turn 18 in the Academic Year, our Virtual School will continue to work with you for the duration of that academic year.

Accommodation - We will support with advice and guidance on your accommodation options by providing a dedicated Care Leaver Housing Coordinator. We will ensure you receive priority banding for Council Housing. We have developed links to people who can support you, if you have a housing crisis or need help with your housing benefits.

Health and Wellbeing - We will work with you around any mental health or wellbeing support you need. You can get priority access to a mental health clinician. We can help you access gyms or leisure centres.

Financial - We can provide a 'setting up home grant' following an assessment of your needs. We have negotiated Care Leaver discounts from local organisations. We will work with you to identify financial support available and help you to apply for any funding you are eligible for.

Relationships and Participation - We can help you to develop or maintain relationships with families friends or other people that are important to you. We will encourage your participation in society. We provide a Care Leavers Forums and Children in Care Council to ensure you have a say.

Our five priorities as a corporate parent to you:

  • Being and feeling safe
  • Being healthy and leading a healthy lifestyle
  • Achieving permanence and stability
  • Preparing for adulthood
  • Hearing the voices of children and young people

What if I don’t have a Personal Adviser?

Are you aged 21-25 and previously had a personal adviser but no longer do? You can get back in touch.