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13 December 2023

Twenty-five properties will be purchased for rough sleepers in Peterborough thanks to a successful £3 million bid application by Peterborough City Council.

The council applied to the government’s Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme (SHAP) scheme, enabling it to buy the 25 one-bed properties.

These properties will help rough sleepers with multiple and complex needs to ensure they are given intensive support to help them get back into permanent accommodation.

Of the funds, £2million will be spent on properties with the remaining £1million revenue designated for support workers.

The authority has a year to purchase the properties, but it is hoped that four will be ready by the end of December.

As well as being helped to address their individual needs, residents will also be supported to understand and achieve all of the different requirements of living independently such as looking after the property and setting up and paying bills.

Housing Needs Operations Manager Sarah Scase said: “This is excellent news for us, and will help with our work to continue to get rough sleepers off the streets

“This year we have supported 327 people, and more than 260 have received accommodation. We also prevented 82 people returning to rough sleeping from hospital and accommodation settings.

“The aim remains to get rough sleepers off the streets and into suitable accommodation, helping to transform lives whilst keeping the city an attractive and welcoming place.”

Cllr Peter Hiller, Cabinet member for Housing, Growth and Regeneration, said: “Congratulations to the officers at the council for this successful bid.

“As a council helping rough sleepers is one of our priorities, and these properties could become a key component in delivering on that and enabling those unfortunate enough to be in this position to progress in their lives.”