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13 February 2024

Young people in Peterborough aged 11 to 18 will go to the polls to vote for two new Youth MPs for Peterborough at the forthcoming UK Youth Parliament Elections this month.

For the first time, Peterborough young people will be given the chance to elect two youth MPs instead of one because of the growth in the number of young people living in the city in the past two years.

Seats are allocated by the ratio of one youth parliament seat per 20,700 young people. The current population of young people in Peterborough is 23,087 (ONS).

Peterborough’s Youth MPs are the voice of young people in Peterborough, putting forward their views at a local level but also at a regional and national level through the UK Youth Parliament.

Peterborough’s current Youth MP Eva Woods has spoken on food poverty in the House of Commons, managed a city-wide peer research project with young people in 12 schools and colleges, evaluated PSHE curriculums with young people and experts, developed a youth communications strategy with partners in education, media and the youth sector and worked with employers to drive a focus on young workers' rights and development.

She has also represented young people at Peterborough City Council’s Scrutiny Committees, attended many city events, and been invited to have her say in other decision-making conversations. She has also taken part in many media interviews.

From 22 to 29 February 2024, young people who live, work or study in Peterborough will be encouraged to use their vote in polling stations at Peterborough schools. One side of the ballot paper will include names of the nine candidates and on the other side details of the Make Your Mark campaign which encourages young people to vote for the issues most important to them to enable the UK Youth Parliament to decide what to focus on over the next two years. Young people can choose one topic from education and learning; international relations; health and wellbeing; rights; equalities and democracy; jobs, the economy and benefits; crime and safety; culture, media and sport; climate change and the environment; transport; and youth work and young people's services.

There will also be community polling stations at Peterborough Cathedral, Peterborough Town Hall, Bharat Hindu Samaj Temple and the Husaini Islamic Centre for those who are home-schooled or at a school or education provider not listed as a polling station.

The election results will be announced at Peterborough Town Hall on Wednesday 13 March.

Nine candidates are standing to be the next Youth MPs for Peterborough. They are: Pranav Aggarwal; Danielle Daboh; Amelia Ihsan; Amelia Javaid; Harriet Johnson; Shanzay Zehra Merchant; Aryan Nahata; Farrah Sliti and Amina Umar.

Eva Woods, Peterborough’s current Youth MP, said: "The past two years have demonstrated what can be achieved by a Youth MP, raising the profile of young people's views and needs with decision-makers in business, government, education, healthcare, the arts and beyond.

“Youth MPs will often be the only voice of young people in a room where decisions are being made about them and without them.

“Please take choosing the people who speak for you seriously- if you didn't know the Youth Parliament existed, I can guarantee it has stood up for people like you at some point.

“You have some incredible candidates to choose from who, like me, will learn and grow beyond recognition from the opportunities this role provides. This is your chance to select a formidable future advocate for your community.”

Councillor Ray Bisby, Cabinet member for Children’s Services said: “I’d like to thank our brilliant outgoing youth MP Eva Woods for all her hard work over the past two years. She has been a brilliant ambassador for our city and has got involved in lots of issues affecting young people.

“There are now nine young people who have put themselves forward to step into her shoes and I would encourage all young people who live, go to school or work in our city to use their vote to decide who they should be.

“Becoming a Youth MP is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about decision-making in our city and ensure that young people’s views are properly represented. I look forward to meeting and working with our two new Youth MPs.”

You can read the manifesto booklet here and you can watch the nine candidates manifesto videos here