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22 January 2024

Peterborough City Council is inviting residents, businesses and organisations to share their views on its draft Housing Strategy for 2024-2029.

The strategy sets out the council’s priorities and actions to meet the current and future housing needs and challenges in Peterborough.

The council is running the consultation for six weeks and the feedback from the consultation will be used to shape and focus the council’s work with partner organisations and registered housing providers, as well as landowners, developers and community organisations.

To achieve the strategy, four priorities, all underpinned by the themes of health and wellbeing and protecting the environment, have been identified:

  • To deliver sustainable growth and regeneration in Peterborough through high quality place making
  • Increasing the supply of homes that people can afford, tackling homelessness through prevention with a greater emphasis on early help
  • Raising housing quality and standards in existing homes across tenures
  • Meeting the need for accessible and adapted housing, supported accommodation and housing for specific groups

Councillor Peter Hiller, Cabinet Member for Housing, Growth and Regeneration, said: “It is vital that our residents have access to safe, secure and suitable homes that meet their needs and aspirations.

“Our draft housing strategy sets out or priorities over the next five years, working with our partners and local communities.

“We would like to hear from as a many people as possible.”

The consultation is open until midnight Monday 4 March 2024.

Paper copies of the draft housing strategy document and the consultation response form are available on request from

The feedback received will help shape the final version of the strategy, which will be published later this year.