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A breach of a ‘Duty of Care’ is committed when either a business of householder loses control of their waste or they have not taken reasonable steps to prevent this from happening. You can view the Waste Duty of Care on the GOV.UK website

Waste produced as a result of business activity is classed as controlled waste. Businesses are therefore legally responsible for making sure that it is disposed of correctly.

You should contact a waste management company directly to set up a collection service. We have put together a waste directory to help you find a suitable provider.

Please note: the Council does not recommend any of these companies. This list is provided as a source of information only. 

Household Recycling Centre

The Household Recycling Centre is not licensed to accept commercial waste and is only for the disposal of your own household waste.

Any waste which is not from a household is classed as commercial waste. As well as putting the sites licence at risk, the illegal deposition of commercial waste at the tips leaves the city’s tax payer footing the bill for its disposal.

Even if your business does not produce much waste, you will still need a business waste collection. Many businesses have small quantities of waste and although it might not be much from one premise, together they make a substantial amount which the council have to pay to dispose of.

The charges for waste collection are not included in business rates. This is in order to give the freedom of choice to businesses to use the council service or a private waste management company. Charging the waste produced encourages businesses to generate less waste.

Trade waste

Any waste or recyclable materials created by a shop, office, factory, tradesperson or other business is called trade waste. This includes waste generated from pubs, offices, schools, business premises (including charities) which are not used purely for domestic living accommodation. Any waste generated by a business, regardless of it being of a domestic nature (such as kitchen and bathroom waste including lunch waste) is classed as business waste.

Please note: the law does not allow you to use household waste bins for the disposal of business waste.

Common example of waste include:

  • paper
  • aluminium/steel cans
  • cardboard
  • glass
  • packaging
  • electronic equipment
  • printer cartridges
  • office furniture
  • plastic bottles/plastic
  • drink cups
  • fluorescent light tubes
  • batteries
  • wood
  • scrap metal
  • bricks/tiles/concrete
  • plastics
  • hazardous waste such as asbestos, paints, solvents

Trade waste agreements

The most convenient way of disposing of your trade waste is to arrange a trade waste agreement, which incorporates a regular collection. A trade waste agreement is a contract between the business and a registered waste carrier.

You can view a list of registered carriers online or find one by calling 08708 506 506.

If you do not have a trade waste agreement, you should make immediate arrangements for the disposal of your waste. Documentation to prove this agreement should be kept for 2 years as it may be requested at any time. These carriers will issue the business with a Waste Transfer Note, which confirms safe disposal.

The Environment Agency and Peterborough City Council delegated officers are authorised to check if you are complying with the Duty of Care. This means an officer can either write to you or visit your premises and ask to see your Waste Transfer Notes or Duty of Care Certificate. Failure to furnish these documents on request by an authorised officer may result in the issuing of a £300 Fixed Penalty Notice or prosecution.