Design and evaluation
Each development will uniquely implement Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) and their solutions. A key advantage of SuDS is their adaptability to various site limitations and geological conditions.
The Sustainable Drainage: Design and Evaluation Guide is a step-by-step guide on how to apply the principles Peterborough City Council requires throughout the design and planning stages. It combines the design of SuDS with the evaluation requirements of planning in a sequence that mirrors the SuDS design process.
We recommend you contact the SuDS team so we can help you achieve the best outcome for your site.
Sustainable Drainage: Design and Evaluation Guide
You should also ensure you adhere to Defra’s Technical Standards.
If a site is in an Internal Drainage Board area, we recommend discussing it with them. This will help you understand their catchment and constraints.
Typical Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) Techniques
Delivering Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)
SuDS Principles
Peterborough City Council encourages all new development and redevelopment that requires planning permission to use SuDS in order to reduce flood risk, improve water quality and present options for biodiversity and public amenity. This is consistent with existing national guidance.
SuDS in Planning
SuDS will be crucial in planning. So, submit details early. We advise developers to consider SuDS from the start, ideally during master planning.
The local planning authority must consult the Lead Local Flood Authority. Since Peterborough is a unitary authority, we are both. Thus, the Council must review and approve drainage plans and strategies before construction begins.
Requirements at the planning stage
- Detailed site layout at an identified scale (1:200 or 1:500 or as appropriate, or any other scale agreed) with a North point
- Topographical survey of the site, including cross-sections of any adjacent water courses for appropriate distance upstream and downstream of discharge point if appropriate (as agreed)
- Full design calculations and design parameters to demonstrate conformity with the design criteria for the site
- Long sections and cross sections for the proposed drainage system
- Suitable Construction Details
- Plan of proposed drainage system with catchment areas including impermeable areas and phasing
- Details of connections (including flow control devices) to watercourses, sewers, public surface water sewers, highway drains and SuDS
- Details of any offsite works required, together with any necessary consents
- Operational characteristics of any mechanical features including maintenance and energy requirements
- Plan demonstrating flooded areas for the 1 in 100 year storm when system is at capacity and demonstrating flow paths for design for exceedance
- Access arrangements for all proposed drainage systems
- Management plan for all non-adopted drainage (more applicable for single property)
- Landscape planting scheme if proposing vegetated drainage system
- Plan for management of construction impacts including any diversions, erosion control, phasing and maintenance period (pre-adoption)
- Health and safety plan, if appropriate, considering areas of open water and confined space entry
- Ground investigation, including infiltration test results, where appropriate
- Water quality details – awaiting a steer from the Environment Agency on requirements
- Indicative maintenance schedule
- Programme for construction
For a large site or multi-plot development
The following (if not already contained within the drainage strategy or sustainable drainage design code).
- Full details of individual development plot discharge and storage constraints
- Full details of responsibility for controlling the overall surface water management of the site
This list is not exhaustive, depending on your site conditions further information may be required. We strongly recommend you contact the Sustainable Drainage Team at Peterborough City Council for pre-application advice.