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Contact the Peterborough Film Office


Please get in touch with us if you have any enquiries about filming in Peterborough. We can advise on finding your perfect location, help you with permits and permissions, and more.


Although this Code of Practice (“the Code”) is a voluntary agreement, it incorporates references to statutory obligations to which all those engaged in filming within the City of Peterborough must adhere to.

The objective of the Code is to make Peterborough a more film friendly city for all, while offering clarity on the statutory obligations, which govern the activity of filming.

The Code aims to ensure that:

  • The industry can film effectively and efficiently across Peterborough.
  • All those involved in location filming act responsibly, professionally and considerately at all times.
  • That best practice is demonstrated.
  • Timescales and notice requirements are highlighted in relation to regulatory and statutory matters.
  • The economic and cultural benefits to Peterborough of such filming are maximised.
  • The practical impact of filming on people and businesses across Peterborough is minimised.
  • Through a combination of all the above, the long-term sustainability of filming in Peterborough is secured.
Film Peterborough logo

This Code applies to all forms of moving image production shot on location in public places in Peterborough, which are likely to, or have the potential to cause disruption to normal activity.

Film Peterborough has developed the principles of best practice, which are detailed in the Code, and all the signatories have agreed to support. Screen Peterborough will facilitate the process of reviewing and updating the Code annually.


‘Filming/Shoot’ will relate to all types of moving image production in particular, feature films, television productions, commercials, pop-promos, corporates, student films, short films and stills photography.

‘Production/s’ refers to a Producer, Location Manager, Production Company or Production Manager or any authorised officer or employee of such a company.

‘Film Peterborough’ refers to recognised film office for Peterborough.

‘PCC’ refers to Peterborough City Council.

‘PCP’ refers to Peterborough City Police.

Location filming

No filming activity should take place until all the relevant parties have granted permission. The Production must ensure that all those affected by filming have been consulted and informed of arrangements within a time frame that is adequate and proportionate to the scale of filming.

This is the Production’s responsibility. The Production must be covered by a public liability insurance policy, no less that £5m (£10m for commercial event spaces), and provide copies of the necessary risk assessments.

Filming application process

All Productions planning to film within Peterborough should liaise directly with Film Peterborough in advance of shooting to ensure permit requirements (see permits below and effective liaison with all relevant parties has taken place.

Film Peterborough will effectively facilitate the required permissions and permits in order for the shoot to take place.

Productions should also inform Film Peterborough about filming taking place on a private location, as this may require similar mediation.

General timescales

A. Small scale productions – a crew of five people or less, using portable/hand held equipment, tripod and sound, where filming will have no major logistical impact on the highways and public areas.

24/48 hrs notice period is required.

B. Medium scale productions – filming which includes equipment (tracking, lights, jibs/cranes, generators etc.) or a large number of cast/supporting artistes, which will have an impact on the highway and /or interfere with public access. A site meeting with the relevant council and police representative maybe required.

5-7 days minimum notice period is required.

C. Large-scale productions – filming which will have a major logistical impact on the highways and public areas (i.e. road closure requests, stunts, removal of street furniture etc.) A site meeting with the relevant council and police representative will be required.

4/6 weeks minimum notice period is required.

PLEASE NOTE: Timescales may differ depending on your particular request, location and/or setup.


Any filming undertaken within the City of Peterborough is the sole responsibility of the Production and its employees. Film Peterborough will accept no liability for loss, financial or otherwise, alleged to have incurred as a result of this code.

The guidelines in this document are aimed to be as comprehensive as possible but they are for guidance purposes only and not exhaustive. You should always consult with Film Peterborough on requirements/procedures for filming in the City of Peterborough. Film Peterborough has no rights of the films, photographs and recordings made and/ or taken by the Production.

In all cases, you will indemnify Film Peterborough & PCC against any damage which may be caused on council managed land by the negligent act or omission of the Production, your agents, employees or invitees.

A - Z of guidelines


The Production shall agree in advance via Film Peterborough regarding the appropriate use of cables, the safe laying of agreed cabling and the suitability of attaching cables to street furniture, historic properties and any other relevant items. This process includes all matting, ramping and flying cables to avoid hazards.

  1. No cables shall be run over the public highway in such a way that they will cause a potential hazard to members of the public and or businesses. Consultation with businesses about cables in close proximity to their location must be carried out by the Production.
  1. The Production must make cables runs safe at the time of laying and not at a later time.
  1. Any cable runs across the public highway need to be agreed by the PCC Highways and applications must be sent via Film Peterborough.


See Rivers and Waterways.

Camera track

  1. All matters relating to tracking and filming equipment must be cleared by the appropriate departments at PCC, via consultation with Film Peterborough, in advance of filming (no less than 5 days in advance of filming). Any obstructions or alternative footways planned must by cleared by PCC Highways. In certain circumstances, tracking boards may be required.

  2. Any filming equipment in the road must be discussed with Film Peterborough in order to consult and obtain the required permission. In most cases a site meeting will be required, which will be arranged by Film Peterborough with the necessary departments at PCC. Roads must not be blocked beyond the minimum width required to maintain traffic flow, and in some instances, traffic management assistance may be required. The minimum widths to be maintained are 3.5m on a one-way street and 7m on a road with two way traffic flow.
  1. The Production will ensure that members of the public, in particular wheelchair users and double buggies, are not impeded by the camera track, and where applicable, alternative measures have been put in place to safely guide members of the public around the filming equipment. The safe minimum width of 1.5m must be provided to maintain the public’s right of way on footways. It is not acceptable to force pedestrians to cross over or walk in the road (unless an alternative walkway is provided in line with Chapter 8 of the Highways Act).


Catering arrangements and the positioning of catering vehicles should be agreed in advance with Film Peterborough.

  1. There are a number of areas where catering vehicles are prohibited from parking and whilst filming, especially in Peterborough City Centre, the Production should always look at citing these vehicles at a unit base facility (see unit bases).
  1. The Production shall ensure that no dirty water or food waste be deposited in rainwater gullies and that caterers use a dirty water bowser where possible. Wherever possible the Production shall make use of environmentally friendly materials.
  1. It is the Productions responsibility to ensure that all litter and waste is removed before the end of each filming day and disposed of in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Child licences

A licence is required for a child from birth to the end of compulsory education to take part in a performance or activity, including films, tv, radio, commercials, sport, music groups, theatre, amateur dramatics, dance groups and working as a model.

Below is a summary of the regulations but please contact Film Peterborough to be directed to the appropriate PCC department.

The hours during which a child can attend at a place of performance are restricted:

  • Age 0 - 4 can attend place of performance between 7am – 10pm.
  • Age 5 - school leaving age can attend place of performance between 7am – 11pm.

Maximum hours of attendance

  • Age 0 - 4 maximum time at venue 5 hours, maximum performance time 2 hours, maximum continuous time without a break 30 minutes.
  • Age 5 - 8 maximum time at venue 8 hours, maximum performance time 3 hours, maximum continuous time without a break 2 hours 30 minutes.
  • Age 9 - school leaving age maximum time at venue 9.5 hours, maximum performance time 5 hours, maximum continuous time without a break 2 hours 30 minutes.

Warning: Please be aware that it is your responsibility to ensure that you have read and fully understood the statutory requirements for the licence you are applying. Failure to comply with the regulations may lead to the licence being revoked and/or prosecution.


The Production acknowledges that cones have no legal force to secure parking and their use shall be agreed in advance with the relevant council authority via Film Peterborough. See Parking.

Council property

The relevant PCC department will facilitate the use of any council owned property as a film location, subject to sufficient notice, advance approval and receipt of a signed licence agreement. The location fee charged will reflect the level of disruption, dedicated personnel time and any additional costs incurred as a result of the filming activity on site.

Contact Film Peterborough for a list of available council properties available for filming.

Cranes / cherry pickers / jibs / scissor lifts

  1. When planning to use cranes/cherry pickers/jibs or scissor lifts on the public highway, Film Peterborough must be given sufficient notice so clearance can be arranged.
  1. In most cases a licence will be required to operate these pieces of machinery on the public highway.
  1. The Production and a representative of the crane hire company must discuss the exact positioning of such equipment with the relevant PCC department and Film Peterborough (usually at a site meeting), and the conditions of any permission granted should be adhered to at all times.
  1. Rigging/de-rigging must be done at times so as not to cause any unnecessary noise or nuisance. See noise and nuisance below.

Designated areas

  1. The activities carried out by a production must be limited to areas and times for which permission has been granted.
  1. Production vehicles should be parked where agreed with Peterborough Parking at the times stated in the application. Engines should be switched off on arrival and cast and crew should not park in the immediate vicinity of a location unless spaces have been allocated.
  1. Drinks and meals should be taken in designated areas, assigned by the Production.
  1. No smoking areas must be observed. Where smoking is allowed, cigarettes must be extinguished in the smoking bins provided by the Production.
  1. Crew members must not trespass onto neighbouring property or enter areas of a location which the owner has stipulated are not to be used for filming.


For guidance on the use of a Small Unmanned Aircraft (SUA), such as a drone, please see ‘Drones’ appendix.

Emergency services

The Production must inform the Emergency Services of any large-scale filming in the street and/or in a public space in liaison with Film Peterborough. Access for emergency vehicles must always be maintained during location filming.

Where relevant, the Emergency Services should be duly advised of:

A. Special effects, fires or explosions (Peterborough Fire and Rescue Services)

B. Any likely disruption to traffic (All services)

C. The impersonation of fire officers of use of pseudo fire tenders (Peterborough Fire and Rescue Services)

D. The impersonation of ambulance staff or use of pseudo ambulance tenders (Ambulance Services)

Film permits

Film Peterborough operates a film permit system, which means that a Production wishing to film on the public highway/council owned land across Peterborough will require a permit to do so.

Please visit (Website to be created) to stay updated on the permit system and the T&C’s.

During filming the Production must contact Film Peterborough in advance if any formerly agreed detail change regarding locations, times, crew size, props and nature of filming.

Firearms and offensive weapons

The use of firearms of any kind is prohibited without prior agreement between the Production, Peterborough City Police and Film Peterborough.

  1. It is the responsibility of the Production to ensure the safe custody of the firearms and/or the offensive weapon at all times.
  1. An armorer must be present during film shoots involving firearms and/or offensive weapons.
  1. On occasions, the Production will require the presence of a Police officer to be attendance on location for public reassurance.

See Police below.

Health and safety

  1. It is the responsibility of the Production to ensure that employees are in compliance with current Health and Safety legislation and regulations (see Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974 and the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1992).
  1. It is a criminal offence to breach Health and Safety Law and Regulations, failure to do so may invalidate the Production insurances and result in prosecution.
  1. There are many types of risk assessment required to be produced by a competent and qualified person on behalf of the production, for all activity relating to filming. Some examples of such risk assessments you may need include, but not exhaustive to; security risks, generic filming activity, stunts, flammable or toxic materials, temporary and permanent construction work, working at heights, the use of cranes and cherry pickers, vehicle related filming, static and temporary production office space and unit bases.
  1. Where applicable PCC, via Film Peterborough, require risk assessments to be provided in advance of filming taking place to ensure necessary qualified representatives have reviewed all relevant activities and given feedback, where necessary. Failure to provide this information in advance may result in the film permit being refused.

High visibility clothing

  1. Crew members, production personnel and 3rd party subcontractors are required when working on the public highway to wear necessary PPE clothing to European Standard EN471 Class 2 minimum.

This is an essential safety requirement under the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 and Health& Safety at Work Act, 1974 (and all related Regulations and Codes of Practice).

  1. Failure to wear appropriate PPE clothing and adhering to the legislation may invalidate your production company insurance and result in your Film Permit being withdrawn.

Highways and traffic management

  1. Film Peterborough must be notified of any such request at the earliest possible opportunity. This is to ensure effective liaison with the relevant PCC and Peterborough City Police departments.
  1. Road closures: Please note, there is currently no countrywide legislation to allow a road closure specifically for filming purposes, however, if adequate notice is given it is often possible to accommodate the needs of a Production.

The time taken to process a road closure order ranges from 4 to 6 weeks and an approved traffic management company must be employed by the Production to facilitate the road closure order and implement the necessary diversion route (using the appropriate advanced warning signage). Copies of diversion plans must be submitted to PCC via Film Peterborough before an order is granted.

  1. Intermittent traffic control (ITC) requests must to be discussed and cleared with PCC, via Film Peterborough. ITC works must be carried out by an approved traffic management company with the required equipment and advanced warning signage being displayed. ITC works on a request basis only.

PLEASE NOTE: For charges please contact Film Peterborough.

Indemnities and insurance

  1. The Production Company must indemnify PCC, its officers, servants and agents against all liabilities, actions, claims, costs, damages, demands, expenses and penalties brought by any person or persons for any property damage, personal injury, sickness, illness or death arising out of the Production’s use of requested locations, land, public highway, pavements, footpaths, buildings or facilities other than that attributable to the negligence of the PCC its officers servants and agents. For the avoidance of doubt, liability for death or personal injury as a result of the Productions negligence is not limited to the requested amount of Public Liability Insurance cover.
  1. All production companies must carry Public Liability Insurance with a minimum limit of indemnity to the sum of five million pounds (£5,000,000) in respect of any one accident of series of accidents arising out of your filming activities.
  1. No film permit will be processed, without prior documented proof of adequate Public Liability Insurance with evidence that the insurance cover certificate is valid. Copies of such certificates and where required indemnities should always be provided to MCC in advance of filming and should be made available, on demand, to anyone affected by the location filming activities of the Production.

Please note that all paperwork must be supplied in English.

Lighting on location

The Production shall agree the positioning and safety of lighting stands in advance with PCC, via Film Peterborough.

  1. Lighting or other equipment should not cause a hazard to members of the public (please refer to the Cabling section for guidance on safe cabling of such items).
  1. No danger or irritation should be caused by the dazzle of lighting positions.
  1. The following considerations should be taken to prevent any risk to members of the public or Production employees:
  • Lights above ground level and lighting stands are properly secured.
  • Lighting stands placed on a footway are attended at all times or are weighted and secured. The required access of the footway must be maintained or alternative walkways erected (see Camera Track section).
  • Lights do not dazzle ANY motorists.
  • Lights are not shone directly towards residential or business properties at any time without specific permission.
  • Blackouts are made available by the Production so as to protect the residents/businesses from light pollution when required.

Litter removal

The Production shall ensure that all litter is removed immediately at the end of the filming and that the location and environs are returned to the same condition in which they were found.

It is the Productions responsibility to ensure that all litter is removed before the end of filming each day. Any waste produced by the production must be removed from the site, transported and disposed of in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 1990 Location Owners and Protocol.

The Production should ensure that location owners are:

A. Kept fully informed of the intentions of the production whether the location is eventually used for filming or not.

B. Given a reasonable site rental fee in accordance with the budget of the film.

C. Issued with an appropriate location contract, which clearly states the terms agreed between themselves and the production company.

D. Given details of any art department requirements including dressing and construction.

E. Also residents and businesses affected by filming must be given sufficient notice in writing, detailing dates, times and measures taken to minimise any disturbances that may arise.

Night filming

  1. This refers to any filming activity which takes place between the hours of 23:00-07:30.
  1. Night shoots in residential areas are naturally sensitive and it is essential to consult with local residents and businesses during the planning stages.
  1. Film Peterborough will need to be informed of any requested night filming as effective liaison with the necessary PCC and Peterborough City Police departments to take place.
  1. See ‘Night Filming’ appendix 2.

Noise and nuisance

  1. Crew are reminded to respect the local community where they are filming, and where possible, staff amenities and meeting places shall be sited away from residential/business properties.
  1. The moving of technical vehicles should also be done in a respectful manner and depending on the requested start/wrap time, some technical vehicles may be asked to remain on site until the following morning (7am/0700hrs).
  1. Use of audio playback and megaphones shall only be permitted following agreement between the Production and the relevant PCC department, via Film Peterborough.


The Production can only apply for on street parking for technical vehicles, equipment and bays to be reserved for continuity purposes. All parking applications require a minimum of five working days’ notice to be received and approved before the suspension/dispensation can take place.

The Production can apply for the following:

  • Pay and display bays – suspending a bay means that no one can park there except the company or person granted the suspension. Only vehicles that are essential for the works taking place (i.e. technical vehicles) can park in suspended bays, private vehicles cannot.
  • Dispensations – allows specified vehicles to park on single/double yellow lines, except where a loading ban is in place. A dispensation only applies to a specific vehicle, on the dates specified.


Film Peterborough will notify Cambridgeshire Constabulary about all filming activity within Peterborough. Special guidance will be sought with regards to the following:

A. The staging of crimes, accidents or use of firearms.

B. The dressing of artistes in police uniforms and using action vehicles.

C. When filming involves celebrities who may cause security or crowd control issues. Where Cambridgeshire Constabulary (CC) is required to be in attendance on location, their role is to maintain the peace and uphold the law.

CC will charge a fee to the Production to resource a ‘rest day’ officer and a minimum notice period of 5 working days is required. The current hourly rate for police officer assistance is £64.11

The Production should always liaise with CC via Film Peterborough.

Problem solving

In the event of a dispute arising between the Production and other parties on location, please contact Film Peterborough for immediate assistance.

Public liability insurance

The Production will be required to carry Public Liability Insurance to the value of no less than £5 million. Any filming undertaken and associated liability there from is the sole responsibility of the Production and its employees.

The Production shall obtain and produce, when requested by Film Peterborough, a copy of the relevant insurance needed before shooting commences. The need for insurance is governed by statutory obligation. See ‘Indemnities and Insurance’.

Residents and businesses

  1. To create a positive filming environment in residential and commercial areas requires effective consultation and planning with all those people that will be directly affected by the activity.
  1. Copies of all letter drops must be sent to Film Peterborough.
  1. Please see ‘Night Filming’ appendix for information relating to filming during unsociable hours.
  1. If it’s proved that a Production has not acted responsibly on location then this could affect their future filming permits.
  1. Any issues or concerns that a Production is experiencing on location must be flagged to Film Peterborough at the earliest possible time.

Rivers and waterways

When planning to film on any waterway, the Production will need to liaise with the relevant governing body as early as possible (contact details can be obtained from Film Peterborough). Specific health and safety measures will apply.

Road markings

  1. The temporary painting-out or disguising of road markings, yellow lines or other road signs requires the specific approval of PCC.
  1. The Production agrees to fully reinstate any alterations to road markings to the satisfaction of the appropriate PCC department and when obliged to use official contractors, agree to pay the necessary cost.

Risk assessments

Risk assessments are required by the self-employed and by any company with employees to be able to satisfy their insurance provisions and statutory obligations to employees and those affected by their actions.

Where required, additional types of risk assessment will be undertaken for filming activities, which include stunts, the use of flammable or toxic materials, construction work, working at heights and the use of cranes and cherry pickers. This is in addition to a comprehensive risk assessment of the location.

Road closures

Although there is currently no legislation to allow a road closure for filming purposes, the relevant council authority will consider each road closure requests on its individual merit and if a case can be made, they may be prepared to use existing legislation under the Road Traffic Regulation Act.

However, if adequate notice is given it is often possible to accommodate the needs of a production without a road closure.

Scaffolding towers

  1. The construction and positioning of scaffolding towers must be discussed with PCC, via Film Peterborough, no less than 5 days in advance of the shoot.
  1. Scaffolding which encroaches or projects over the footway/carriageway requires a licence (charges apply) and please contact Film Peterborough for further details.
  1. Any damage resulting from the erecting/positioning of the scaffold tower will be repaired at a cost to the Production.
  1. Any scaffold construction must be provided and installed by a certified supplier.


The Production must use SIA licensed security for all licensable activity at all times. Licensable activity includes, but is not limited to; manned guarding (guarding premises against unauthorised access; guarding property against destruction or damage and theft), and guarding cash or valuables in transit.

Set construction and temporary structures

  1. It is the Production Companies responsibility that all temporary structures (both on the highway and within a building/temporary studio) constructed/designed by the Production must comply to The Construction (Design and Management)Regulations 2015.
  1. Planning permission may be required for some temporary structures such as (not exclusive to) The building of a temporary set which will be up for more than 21 days from construction to strike.
  1. The prolonged use of a building as a set/temporary studio (such as Change of Use permission).

NB: Planning permission when required can be obtained from the relevant local authority where the set/temporary structure is erected or an existing property requires change of use.

Street furniture and street lighting

  1. The removal of PCC street furniture and works involving street lighting is subject to the agreement in advance by the necessary PCC department.
  1. All agreed work will normally be carried out by Amey and charged to the Production. Amey maintains and upgrades the street lighting service on behalf of Peterborough City Council and the Production will be notified in advance of all associated costs, including those of re-instatement, and must agree to cover these costs before any work is undertaken.

Stunts, special effects and pyrotechnics

  1. The Production shall notify Film Peterborough, whenever stunts are to be used outlining in detail; the stunt, special effects or pyrotechnics to be used. A full method statement and risk assessment will be required.
  1. The size of the stunt and the impact this may have on the highway, will determine the amount of notice required by PCC and whether a site meeting will be necessary.
  1. All stunts, special effects and pyrotechnics must be under the direct control of a named qualified stunt co-ordinator or special effects operative and comply with the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
  1. Wet downs and rain effects may only be carried out with the approval of the relevant council authority via Film Peterborough after a proper evaluation of the forecast weather conditions and with the proper signage required.

Traffic management

See ‘Highways and Traffic Management’ section.

Appendix 1

Filming with Small Unmanned Aircrafts (SUA)

Filming with small unmanned aircrafts, commonly referred to as drones are increasingly becoming a popular piece of filming equipment within the film & TV industry. This document is intended to set out the general guidelines relating to the use of drones for commercial filming activity and productions wishing to film with these types of equipment should always employ an approved drone operator and seek further advice from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) website.

Visit the CAA website for more information.

Alternatively, please liaise with Film Peterborough for a list of approved drone operators.

General guidelines

Drones may also be referred to as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), Small Unmanned Aircraft (SUA) or Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS).

In advance of filming you need to ensure that you have:

  • Permission from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).
  • Permission from the owner or manager the land used for take off and landing.
  • Control over the area you intend to use the drone within. This includes any persons or vehicles in the area.

Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) permission

All commercial drone operators must be in possession of a CAA permission document. Any drone flight in an urban area or near large crowds of people, whether for private or commercial purposes, will require the same document.

The CAA grants permission for multi-rotor and fixed-wing type, and will only grant permission for drones that do not exceed 20kg.

For more information contact the CAA Flight Operations Department on 01293 573 517 or

Land permission and area control

Productions using drones for filming purposes must ensure they are familiar with aircraft legislation and procedures that relate to aerial filming.

The Air Navigation Order, Articles 166 and 167, state the distances at which drones may be operated:

  • Not within a specified distance, normally 150m, of any congested area of a city, town or settlement.
  • Not within a specified distance, normally 50m, of any person, vessel, vehicle or structure not under the control of the aircraft operator.

CAA Information Notice 2014/190, point 6.1.4, states: “In any circumstances or weight category, it should be noted that flights directly overhead persons and vehicles will not be allowed at any height in a congested area unless they are under the control of the person in charge of the aircraft”.

A full closure of the road or area to be used will usually need to be in place before the drone can be used. Drone operators should liaise with the organisation or individual responsible for the land required for takeoff and landing to obtain permission.

They will also need to ensure that the land below the flight path is either clear of people and vehicles by the requisite distances, or that access to the surface is restricted and any people and vehicles are under control of the operator.

Drones should not be flown over people, vessels or vehicles that are not in control of the production.

Application process

Productions must contact Film Peterborough for all drone requests on or near the public highway. Takeoff and landing permissions on private property must be sought before making an application.

The following documents will need to be supplied to Film Peterborough with all permit applications:

  • A copy of a drone operators CAA Navigation Order
  • Drone flight map
  • A copy Drone operators RAMS and PLI certificate
  • A copy of the drone operators pilots licence
  • A copy of the letter drop to residents / businesses

In some cases a road closure will be required in order to operate the safe and controlled flight of the drone. See ‘Highways and Traffic Management’ in Code of Practice document.

Typical notice periods are between 4-6 weeks.

Contact the Peterborough Film Office


Please get in touch with us if you have any enquiries about filming in Peterborough. We can advise on finding your perfect location, help you with permits and permissions, and more.

Published: 12 February 2025