10 steps to getting settled in Peterborough
We have put together a guide for new arrivals to the city, the 10 steps to getting settled in Peterborough.
Full Council pledge
Councillors gave their unanimous approval for a motion at the Full Council meeting on 2 March 2022 which expressed grave concern at the ongoing situation in the Ukraine and pledged to offer whatever support the authority can.
The motion also:
- Supports actions of the UK Government to resolve the situation through diplomacy and the implementation of strong economic sanctions in response to the invasion.
- Noted Peterborough’s long-standing twinning partnership with the Ukrainian city of Vinnytsia, which was set up in 1991.
- Committed the council to look at ways of strengthening and developing the twinning partnership, as well as supporting Vinnytsia’s residents and the rest of Ukraine.
- Committed the council to look at ways of raising awareness with Peterborough residents of the ongoing challenges that the community in Vinnytsia is facing.
You can read the motion in full below.
The council sent a letter to the Mayor of Vinnytsia offering support to the city’s residents and officers will work to follow this up.
Motions on notice - Support for Ukraine - March 2022131KB–pdf
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