Census 2021

The Census Day for England and Wales took place on 21 March 2021. Since then, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has undertaken complex work to compile, clean, complete, cross-check and ensure confidentiality of the data.

The ONS published the first set of Census 2021 data containing local authority level population and household estimates on 28 June 2022. Between November 2022 and February 2023, the ONS published 8 topic summaries, with data on demography and migration; UK armed forces veterans; ethnic group, national identify, language and religion; labour market; travel to work; housing; sexual orientation and gender identity; education; and health, disability and unpaid care, being released.

Phase 2 of Census 2021 data releases, which is for multivariate datasets (tables that combine more than one variable) and the short-term resident population, has now begun. The main release during phase 2 is the ONS’s flexible table builder. This was published on 28 March 2023 and allows users to build their own univariate or multivariate Census 2021 tables. The ONS has also published a range of ready-made multivariate tables.

You can view the census data on the ONS website.

Further information, data and analysis is available on: