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Response Provided

Contact Information

Democratic ServicesTown HallBridge StreetPeterboroughPE1 1HG

Democratic Services


01733 747474

Petition Started: 15 Nov 2023 - Petition Ended:

Resolved: At the end of the petition period

Date and where submitted

This petition was submitted in person to the Town Hall Reception on Wednesday 15 November 2023.

Petition request

"We call on the Council to not close Eye Youth Centre Building and use the grants available from the Government's £75m fund for Youth Clubs and Buildings Renovation to upgrade the building in time for the Councils reopening of Senior Youth Club by 2025. And for the continuation of the current Junior Youth Club, Brownies, Rainbows and Girl Guides use of the building along with the Library."

Number of signatures

Number of signatures = 673
Number of valid signatures = 648

Service area responsible

Property, Corporate Services.


Accepted, awaiting service area response.

Date acknowledged

17 November 2023


Full Council meeting - 24 January 2024

The petition was presented at the Full Council meeting on 24 January 2024.

A vote was taken on the recommendation and the Council RESOLVED (unanimous with no Members indicating to vote against or abstain).

The Council acknowledged the petition and proposed that the petition was referred to the February Cabinet meeting when:

  • The next steps in respect of the Eye Community Centre and Library would be considered
  • The Cabinet would be able to take into account the petition and the comments made by Members that evening as part of the consideration of the next steps

This will be in line with the work that is being done on the asset review.

In the meantime, the Communities Team, the Property Team and the Cabinet Member responsible would continue with the high level of engagement with the petitioner to discuss the site and ensure when a decision is made it is suitable for the Eye community.

View the minutes from the Full Council meeting on 24 January 2024 on the Democracy Peterborough website.

Cabinet meeting - 12 February 2024

The petition was referred to the Cabinet meeting held on 12 February 2024. The Cabinet resolved that, in respect of Eye Youth Centre, officers should undertake further research into grant funding opportunities.

View the minutes from the Cabinet meeting on 12 February 2024 on the Democracy Peterborough website.