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There are a number of Local Plan planning policies in Peterborough which relate to flood and water management.

These can be found within the Peterborough Local Plan (July 2019) and the Flood and Water Management Supplementary Planning Document available to download below.

In the preparation of this several evidence base documents which are a useful reference for anyone preparing a planning application.

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment and Water Cycle Study

Part of the evidence base to inform the Local Plan.

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment and Water Cycle Study (folder).

Flood and Water Management Supplementary Planning Document

The Peterborough Flood and Water Management SPD was adopted by the Council on 17 June 20019 and came into effect on 24 July 2019.

It provides detailed, locally specific guidance to help developers and decision makers to deliver development schemes that take into account flood and water management issues. It covers topics such as selecting sites for new development and the types of sustainable drainage systems that will be required across different areas of Peterborough.

It replaces the version adopted in December 2012.

Flood and Water Management Supplementary Planning Document (file).

Peterborough Flood Risk Management Strategy (2015)

As a part of our duties under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 the council have a responsibility to develop, adopt and maintain a Flood Risk Management Strategy.

Historic evidence base

Previously prepared evidence is available to view below, please note that these have been superseded by more recent documents listed above.

Historic Evidence Base (folder).

Local water information

We intend to bring together local water-related information that will help to provide an understanding of site constraints and opportunities in order to assist developers with data collation for the development of flood risk assessments and drainage strategies. 

  • Combined sewer locations - Find out where in Peterborough has combined foul and surface water sewers. The city council and Anglian Water are seeking to discourage additional discharges into combined sewers due to this increasing the risk of both foul and surface water flooding during times of heavy rainfall.
  • Critical Drainage Areas - The map of critical drainage areas is currently being updated by the council and partners and will be available soon. In the meantime please contact for additional information if required.
  • Flood risk and drainage subcatchments - Peterborough can be divided into different flood risk and drainage subcatchments based on the characteristics of the watercourse and sewer systems.
  • Green Grid strategy for Peterborough - a strategic framework and action plan for green space provision through the wider Peterborough area. Its aim is to ensure that Peterborough’s growth goes hand in hand with the protection and provision of quality green infrastructure.
  • Hawkeye - an interactive mapping system which provides information about Peterborough, the council and its environment. A variety of information layers are available to view which might help with initial research about site characteristics.
  • Internal drainage boards - areas of Peterborough have an Internal Drainage Board (IDB) to manage water levels. 
  • Middle Level IDB Biodiversity Manual - a partnership of 35 drainage boards has produced guidance about how to manage waterways in a way that benefits wildlife. This may be useful to those looking for management measures which support the Water Framework Directive.
  • SuDS Infiltration Data - The British Geological Survey (BGS) has developed mapping information that can support site drainage strategies by providing information about the potential capability of a site to cope with infiltration-based sustainable drainage systems (SuDS). SuDS infiltration data for Peterborough needs to be bought directly from the British Geological Survey.
  • Water Framework Directive (WFD) online mitigation manual - The Environment Agency has developed this manual to support those needing to work on watercourses within the remit of the WFD. The manual aims to introduce mitigation measures for a range of flood risk management and land drainage activities, give detailed information on different measures and explain how these measures can be applied in practical situations.
  • Catchment Management Declaration - Peterborough City Council have signed up to the declaration which aims to get partners together across the water industry to deliver multiple benefits and share best practice. It sets out 6 principles that we strive to work towards with an aim of being proactive in the response to the 25 Year Environment Plan.