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How to appeal a school place decision, including information on the process, infant class size appeals, timescales and deadlines

Find out how to apply for a secondary school place for your child - Year 7, middle school and upper school

Apply for a primary school place for your child for September 2024 - reception or junior

We are consulting on the school term dates and holiday dates for the 2025-26 academic year - consultation closes 12 January 2024

Consultation school admission arrangements 2021 – 2022 scheme admission arrangements open until 13 January 2020.

Find out more about what to do if you want to accelerate or delay a primary school place for your child.

Applying for a nursery, primary, junior, middle or secondary school place in Cambridgeshire, as well as how to appeal if a place is refused.

It is important for us to know about any child or young person living in Peterborough who may be missing education.

Find out more about the Fair Access Protocol for parents.

A guide to school absences and non-attendance, including information on concerns for children missing education.

Moving to a different school is known as an 'in-year transfer' if not an admission to reception, a transfer to junior or a transfer to secondary school

Find out about current admission arrangements.