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Primary school admissions - September 2024

The first admissions round for primary school places closed on 15 January 2024. The second round closed on 30 April. Offers have been sent out. View allocation information for primary and junior schools.

Late applications

  • Applications received from 1 May – 6 June will be processed week commencing 10 June 2024.
  • Applications received from 7 June to 11 July will be processed week commencing 15 July 2024.

Do you need to apply?

Apply to the correct council

Check you are applying to the correct council. If your child is a Peterborough resident, you make your application through us at the Peterborough City Council School Admissions Team. This applies even if you want to apply for a school place outside of Peterborough.

Primary school

If your child was born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 and lives in Peterborough, you need to apply on this page for a reception place for them for September 2024.

Junior school

If your child was born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017, lives in Peterborough and is currently in Year 2 at an infant school, you need to apply on this page for their transfer to Year 3 for September 2024.

In-year application

If you wish to move your child to a different school in Peterborough during the academic year, please visit our moving schools / in-year transfer page.

Before you apply

It is important that you take time to read all about the school admissions process:

  1. Read our Primary School Admissions Booklet - it explains the school admissions process from start to finish. You need to confirm you have read and understood this booklet when you apply.
  2. Research your options - understand what a catchment school is and how it affects your application and school transport. Look at admissions data, school inspection results and performance data. Attend school open days so you can meet staff and have a look round.
  3. If you are applying to certain schools for religious reasons, you need to submit a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) to the school by the appropriate deadline. This is in addition to apply for a school place through us in the normal way.

Use all three preferences

When you apply, you need to list three schools you like the most in order of preference.

Naming only one school will not increase your child's chances of being offered a place there. Your child will be considered for each school separately. If your child is eligible for more than one school, you will get an offer for the one you ranked highest.

Apply for a school place (late applications)

If your application is incomplete, or incorrect, it could get delayed or cancelled. You need to confirm you have read and understood the Primary School Admissions Booklet before submitting your application.