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Cabinet members

Appointment of Leader, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Members

The Leader of the Council is appointed by Full Council for a four year term. The Leader is usually a member of the group with the political majority.

The Leader then appoints up to nine other councillors to serve with them on the Cabinet. These councillors are usually of the same political group as the Leader.

One of the Cabinet Members is appointed Deputy Leader. The Cabinet Members assume responsibility for different key areas of local governance.

Cabinet responsibilities

The Cabinet is responsible for:

  • Running council services
  • Ensuring delivery of best value
  • Implementing policies
  • Delivering services
  • Approving new policies other than major policies
  • Playing a leadership role within the city
  • Generally promoting the economic, environmental and social wellbeing of the city

We will post decisions made by the Cabinet, also known as ‘Executive Decisions,’ on the Democracy Peterborough website within two days of them being made. View the Executive Decisions (opens Democracy Peterborough website).

The Leader publishes a rolling programme outlining the 'key decisions' likely to be taken over the next few months. This is called the Forward Plan (opens Democracy Peterborough website)

You can see the delegated functions for Cabinet and Cabinet Members in the Executive Functions section (part 3 section 3) of the Council’s Constitution on the Democracy Peterborough website.

Current Cabinet Members

  • Leader of the Council - Councillor Dennis Jones
  • Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Governance - Councillor Amjad Iqbal
  • Cabinet Member for Adults and Health - Councillor Shabina Qayyum
  • Cabinet Member for Children's Services - Councillor Katy Cole
  • Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport - Councillor Mohammed Jamil
  • Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities - Councillor Alison Jones
  • Cabinet Member for Growth and Regeneration - Councillor Nick Thulbourn

Responsibilities of Cabinet Members

Areas responsible for:

  • All functions of the Leader of the Council
  • Political leadership and strategic direction for the council
  • Communications

Responsibility for the corporate and community functions of the council including but not limited to:

  • Legal
  • Finance
  • Performance and intelligence
  • Corporate Transformation
  • Governance
  • Commercial Strategy
  • Capital Programme
  • Treasury Management
  • Procurement
  • Registration / Bereavement Services
  • Commercial Partnerships, Property and Assets
  • People Services
  • IT
  • Equality and Diversity
  • Data insight and analytics

Responsibility for the Adult Social Care and Public Health duties of the council, including but not limited to:

  • Care Act 2014 and related legislation
  • Safeguarding Adults and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
  • Oversight of selected NHS staff and services via s75 arrangement
  • Early Intervention and Prevention including Reablement, Therapy Services and Technology Enabled Care, Disabled Facility Grants
  • Care Act assessments
  • Mental Capacity Act assessments
  • Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Autism and Physical Disabilities
  • Integrated Community Equipment
  • Commissioning and Market Sustainability
  • Better Care Fund
  • Independent Mental Health and Mental Capacity Advocates
  • Integrated Care System (partnership and integration)
  • Health and Social Care Act 2012 (as amended) and related legislation
  • Public health services including children's public health services, sexual and reproductive health services, integrated behaviour change services, substance misuse services
  • Public health duties such as emergencies that present a risk to public health
  • Health promotion for oral health
  • Public health intelligence
  • Health in Everything We Do

Responsibility for the Children’s Services and Education functions of the council, including but not limited to:

  • Children’s Social Care, including all matters specifically provided for by the Local Authorities (Social Services) Act 1970, personal social services and care in the community, together with the responsibilities under associated and ancillary legislation not limited to but including - Crime and Disorder Act 1998, Children Act 1989, Children Act 2004, Childcare Act 2006, Education and Inspection Act 2006
  • Safeguarding Children
  • Services for Looked After Children and Corporate Parenting
  • Early Help Services
  • Specialist Young People Services
  • Responsibility for councils' health related functions under Health Act 1975 in so far as they relate to children
  • Targeted Youth Services
  • Education services (excluding certain functions relating to higher education and adult education)
  • School property maintenance and asset management (excluding disposal)
  • School admissions and place planning
  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
  • Early Years

Responsibilities for the infrastructure, environmental and climate change functions of the council, including but not limited to:

  • Highways and transport
  • Climate change and net zero ambition
  • Environment strategy
  • Energy strategy
  • Waste management, including strategy and operations
  • Parks and open spaces
  • Flood risk management

Responsibility for housing and communities, including but not limited to:

  • Housing needs and homelessness prevention
  • Housing strategy
  • Heritage, leisure and libraries
  • Community safety
  • Community engagement and support, including international relations
  • Regulatory Services (Trading Standards, Environmental Health, Licensing)
  • Westcombe Engineering

Responsibility for the economic growth functions of the council, including but not limited to:

  • Growth and regeneration
  • Building Control, including the Building Act 1984 (as amended)
  • Economic development
  • Planning
  • Tourism
  • Business Improvement District (BID)
  • Adult skills and university