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Biodiversity Strategy

Full Council approved our Biodiversity Strategy on 12 December 2018. We adopted the strategy as part of our major policy framework.

View our Biodiversity Strategy (opens Microsoft Sharepoint).

The strategy meets the biodiversity duty brought in by the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act.

Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity Supplementary Planning Document

We adopted the Peterborough Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on 17 June 2019. It came into effect on 24 July 2019.

The SPD:

  • Sets out a vision for how Peterborough's network of green infrastructure and associated biodiversity should be protected and enhanced during the next 20 years
  • Seeks to raise the profile of the natural environment and ensure its value is recognised in key decision-making by all those involved in delivering Peterborough's sustainable growth
  • Provides practical guidance and advice on how Green Infrastructure and biodiversity considerations should be integrated into the development process, primarily to planning applicants, developers and land owners, as well as decision makers such as planning officers

View the documents:

Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity SPD July 2019 (file)

Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity SPD Supporting Documents (folder)