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Personal Adviser

The law ensures that as a care-experienced young adult, you get Personal Adviser (PA) support until you are 25 years old. Your Personal Adviser will ensure you have a Pathway Plan and that this is kept up to date until you reach 21. They will help you prepare for independent living before you are 18 and provide you with support after you leave care.


Our offer:

  • You will have a Personal Adviser by the time you are 16 years and 3 months old.
  • Your social worker will introduce you to your Personal Adviser and they will work together to support you. With your Personal Adviser focusing on helping you get ready for living independently once you turn 18 and supporting you after you leave care.
  • They will be available to attend your Child in Care Reviews (from when you are 16) so they are involved early enough to ensure you have everything in place and have time to build a strong relationship before leaving care.
  • They will listen to you and help you make decisions and positive and ambitious plans for your future.
  • Your Personal Adviser will give you info and support. They will help you make decisions about where you will live, what you will do, and how to care for yourself.
  • We will try and make sure that you have the same Personal Adviser wherever possible. Until you are 21, your Personal Adviser will be available to see you at least once every 8 weeks (taking your steer about what you want) and keep in touch in between. 

Pathway plans

The law makes it clear that the local authority must prepare a Pathway Plan for all young adults preparing to leave care and this must be reviewed every six months.

This is a plan that sets out what you need for your future, your aspirations, goals, including where you will live, study and work and importantly, how you will be supported to achieve the things you want to, including your entitlement to financial support.

  • Following your 16th birthday, your social worker, Personal Adviser, and Independent Reviewing Officer will discuss and develop your pathway plan with you while you are still in care.
  • They will make sure you are involved in preparing and reviewing your plan and that it remains up to date and relevant for you, depending on what is happening in your life.

Advocacy support

An advocate supports and protects your rights. They make sure others hear and consider your views. Advocates help you express yourself in meetings, file complaints, and contribute to plans about your life. They are independent from the council to ensure your voice is heard.

You can access advocacy from The National Youth Advocacy Service directly (see contacts below) or via your Personal Adviser. Details of this will also be in your Pathway Plan.

Feedback and complaints

If you are unhappy about any aspect of the support you receive, please talk to your Personal Adviser / Social Worker. They will want to help sort it out. If you would rather talk to someone else, you can ask to speak to their manager or call the Care Leavers Team.

Alternatively, you can contact the Central Complaints Office (see contacts below)

Separated migrant support

If you are a separated migrant young person seeking asylum, your Personal Adviser will support you and help you access specialist agencies for help.

You may have an application with the Home Office which is under consideration for asylum and refugee status. We know these applications can take a long time and this may mean there are restrictions for you in terms of being able to work or receive regular benefits. During this time, you will be supported by the Leaving Care Service and your Personal Adviser will help you with the appeals process, accessing advocacy, legal advice and translation services if required. We will support you emotionally and practically and consider your options – you will not have to manage alone.

Useful organisations and contacts:

Your personal adviser is you main point of contact, we cannot add their direct number to this page. If you have lost their details, or cannot contact them, please call the care leavers team on 07773 576 469.

Please call: 01733 234724

Listening to, caring about, and empowering children and young people to get their voice heard.

Visit their website: National Youth Advocacy Service website (NYAS)

Phone: 0808 808 1001


Support and advice for refugees and people seeking asylum in the UK

Visit the Refugee Council website

Phone: 020 7346 1134


Become’s mission is to provide help, support, and advice to children in care and young care leavers so that they can take control of their lives and unleash their potential.

Visit their website:

Phone: 0800 023 2033

Supports care leavers and care experienced individuals across the UK. They champion services, projects, and interventions with and for the care of experienced people. They empower and inspire others to effect social change and improve support, policy, practice, interventions.

Visit their website: The Rees Foundation

Phone: 0800 023 2033

Call: 101