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Volunteering with your local park or green space projects


You can help to protect and improve Peterborough’s parks and open spaces and the many habitats and species that live there. There are also many personal benefits to volunteering such as helping to maintain an active healthy lifestyle, providing a great opportunity to meet new people, and a way of gaining valuable experience for those looking to start a career in this sector. 

Help to look after our parks and open spaces

Opportunities range from community gardening, species surveying such as looking for otters, caring for nature reserves, habitat management, plant identification and GPS mapping, to running Wildlife Watch groups which enable young people to discover and explore their local environment. There are also opportunities to make good use of your organisational, IT, administrative or financial skills.

In Peterborough there are several organisations that provide volunteer opportunities including the following:

  • Botolph Green Residents Association
  • Eye Community Open Space Group
  • Friends of Central Park
  • Friends of Itter Park and Fane Road Allotments Association
  • Hampton Community Sports Association
  • Victoria Park Residents Association
  • Woodfield Park Millennium Trust

If you would like to find out more, please complete the volunteering contact form.

Conservation activities

There are a number of other organisations that provide opportunities for volunteering in the local area: