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The Local List, or more formally the ‘List of Heritage Assets in Peterborough’ is a register of over 250 either buildings, features or sites that contribute to the Historic Environment with Peterborough.

It does not include statutory Listed Buildings or Scheduled Monuments, instead it includes heritage assets which are considered important to Peterborough and its surrounding villages.

There are a wide range of buildings and features on the List ranging from the Village Water Pump in Glinton to the Broadway Theatre, from the Great Northern Hotel to Oundle Road Baptist Church. These inclusions and many others reflect what is important to citizens of Peterborough about their historic environment that national statutory listing omit.

Similar to statutorily Listed buildings, Locally Listed buildings are listed for their Historic or Architectural Interest. The heritage values however that underpin these criteria, Evidential, Aesthetic, Historic and Communal are in this context applied in a way to be relevant to Peterborough.

Local List Project

We are participating as one of the pilot Local List Projects led by Historic England.

The aim of the project is to survey the district with the help of residents to identify all of the important local heritage assets and incorporate them onto the Local List.

Following on from the call for assets, we are now consulting on the proposed heritage assets for the Local List.

View the Local List folder (opens Sharepoint) for information on:

  • Which heritage assets are proposed for the Local List
  • Individual lists for each parish and ward
  • The consultation

View the assets plotted spatially on a map (opens Arcgis map system).

Respond to the consultation.

Protection of a locally listed building

The local list does not provide any additional statutory controls. The list is advisory and symbolic only and does not provide the Council with extra powers.

Proposals for alterations and extensions should be sympathetic to the buildings architectural character. Owners are encouraged to consider the special interest of the building when making external alterations. When planning permission is required, the retention of the buildings character and appearance will be a material consideration in determining the application. There will be a presumption against the demolition of any locally listed buildings.

Register of ‘List of Heritage Assets in Peterborough'

The Local List can be found below.

Published: 31 October 2022