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The Application for Approval of Reserved Matters form should be used after an outline planning permission has been granted.

A reserved matters application deals with some or all of the outstanding details of the outline permission, namely:

  • appearance - aspects of a building or place which affect the way it looks, including the exterior of the development
  • means of access - covers accessibility for all routes to and within the site, as well as the way they link up to other roads and pathways outside the site
  • landscaping - the improvement or protection of the amenities of the site and the area and the surrounding area, this could include planting trees or hedges as a screen;
  • layout - includes buildings, routes and open spaces within the development and the way they are laid out in relations to buildings and spaces outside the development;
  • scale - includes information on the size of the development, including the height, width and length of each proposed building.

The details of the reserved matters application must be in line with the outline approval, including any conditions attached to the permission. Where the outline planning permission contains a condition or conditions requiring that specific information is submitted as part of a reserved matter, when that reserved matter is submitted the required information must also be provided. If your proposals have changed in any way, you may need to reapply for outline or full planning permission.

What you need to submit

The list below details supporting documents that may need to be submitted as part of your application. Please refer to each section below in order to determine whether or not you need to submit it as part of your application.

Always required

You can either use the application form or make your application in writing providing sufficient information to enable the planning authority to identify the outline permission in respect of which it is made.

If you use the application form please ensure that you have completed every section of the application form before submitting. Where sections or questions are not relevant please state this on the form.

The associated help file for this type of application can be found online.

Apply using 

Please note: "Apply online" websites are provided by private companies who may charge additional fees for their services. Peterborough City Council offer no technical support for customers using these sites, if you encounter an issue please contact the relevant website service helpdesk. If you opt to download and complete the application form instead it is your responsibility to ensure that the forms, the appropriate supporting documentation and correct fee are sent to Peterborough City Council either by email or post.

Always required, except where the application:

  • is the first revision of an application for development of the same character or description on the same site by the same applicant within 12 months of making the earlier application if withdrawn or the date of decision if granted or refused and NOT a duplicate application made by the same applicant within 28 days;

For details of our planning fees please see the fee schedule.

You can now pay online directly to Peterborough City Council.

Always required

This must be an up-to-date Ordnance Survey based location plan at an appropriate scale, usually 1:1250 or 1:2500. In the case of large sites other drawing scales maybe appropriate.

The plan must show:

  • at least 2 main roads and all surrounding buildings or land;
  • the application site (the whole planning unit) ;
  • a north point;
  • a scale bar.

The application site boundary should be edged clearly with a red line. It should include all land necessary to carry out the proposed development; for example, land required for access to the site from a public highway, visibility splays, landscaping, car parking and open areas around buildings.

A blue line should be drawn around any other land owned by the applicant, close to or adjoining the application site.

We will expect this to be on an A4 size plan or larger.

A sample location plan can be viewed online.

Ordnance Survey map extracts are available from any Ordnance Survey Mapping and Data Centre.

The plan used should:

  • Not be a Land Registry document
  • Not be used for multiple applications
  • Show OS Crown copyright as an acknowledgement
  • Not be a photocopy or screen grab image
  • Not to be copied from existing OS mapping, if using hand drawn maps such as standard streets
  • Show the correct licence number if you wish to print or copy maps for applications
Copyright information

Please be aware that plans based on Ordnance Survey data are Crown copyright and other plans and drawings are the copyright of their authors. The details of any applicable copyright should appear on the original plans concerned. Using copyright protected plans could result in legal action being taken against you by the copyright holder. You are advised to contact the copyright holder before using such plans in making any application.

Updated: February 2017
 National requirement
Source: Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015

Always required

A plan indicating the site and showing the existing development, drawn to an identified scale or with measurements (in metres).

Where your Outline permission was issued on or after 24 April 2015 for applications creating;
    • New residential development of 100 square metres and over (this includes householder extensions);
    • The creation of 1 or more dwellings (even if it is less than 100 square metres), and;
    • Supermarket, neighbourhood convenience stores and retail warehouse development of 100 square metres and over.

Please refer to the community infrastructure levy page for more detail.

Status: Local requirement
Source: Peterborough Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document - July 2019 (PDF, 408KB)

Always required

A plan indicating the site and showing the proposed development, drawn to an identified scale or with measurements (in metres).

Always required

Details submitted will depend on which matters are reserved but may include:

  • Proposed layout plan at an appropriate scale (1:100, 1:200 or 1:500 depending upon the size of the site), including as appropriate access points and details of how these link into the existing highway network, provision for walking/cycling including connections to the adjacent highway network, parking arrangements (all car parking spaces should be labelled so it is clear which space belongs to which building/dwelling), open space provision
  • Detailed drawings showing the proposed elevations to an appropriate scale (usually 1:100)
  • Street scenes to show the key relationships between the new development and existing buildings/ key streets within the new development
  • Drawings showing the full proposed floor layout plans/house types to an appropriate scale, usually 1:100
  • Roof plan(s) to show the shape of the roof at an appropriate scale, usually 1:50 or 1:100 correct overall dimensions in metric measurements included. Details such as the material, vents and their location should be shown
  • Section drawings to show how proposals relate to existing ground levels or where ground levels would be modified. Levels should also be taken into account in the formulation of design and access statements.
  • Detailed hard and soft landscaping plans to show new hard surfacing materials, location of facilities such as cycle parking, retained and proposed new landscaping including details of planting species and densities.

Please ensure that all plans submitted as part of your application are accurately labelled, numbered and include a scale bar of metric measurements.

Prior to making a submission the applicant should check the conditions of the outline permission to ensure that any material which is specified as being required at the reserved matters stage is provide.

Required on all applications for major development from 6 April 2015 (unless already approved on the outline permission and no further submission required).

The application must be submitted with a detailed SuDS (Sustainable Drainage System) drainage strategy which includes the following;

  • Confirm details of low flow conveyance, overflow and exceedance routes
  • Confirm details of how run-off is collected from all hard surfaces to keep water at or near the surface
  • Confirm details of Source Control feature for each sub-catchment
  • Confirm details of each Site Control feature with flow control locations and details
  • Confirm details of conveyance features from place to place
  • Confirmation of final storage volumes and flow control rates
  • Confirm detail design of Regional (Catchment) Controls in public open space where appropriate
  • Confirm the outfall design for “the controlled flow of clean water” from the site
    Plan(s) showing detail of the SuDS including levels, detail locations, detail drawings

For more information view our SuDS webpages and our design and evaluation guide. This explains what is required in more detail and how best to achieve it. 

Alternatively, submit details in accordance with a submission list agreed with the local planning authority through a written pre-application response with regard to the same proposal.

Change of Use only – No surface water implications.

i.e. where any hardstanding outside a building is being left as it is and not extended and the building is only changing internally – SuDS (Sustainable Drainage Scheme) are not required.

Status: Local requirement
Source: Flood and Water Management Act 2010

Required for all development proposals that would affect any designated heritage asset.  The Heritage Statement must;

  • Describe and assess the significance of the asset and/or its setting to determine its architectural, historic, artistic or archaeological interest; and
  • Identify the impact of works on the special character of the asset; and
  • Provide a clear justification for the works, especially if these would harm the asset or its setting, so that the harm can be weighed against public benefits

The level of detail required should be proportionate to the asset’s importance and sufficient to understand the potential impact of the proposal on its significance and/or setting

Please note: A heritage asset includes Conservation Areas, listed buildings, locally listed buildings, scheduled monuments, listed parks and gardens, areas of archaeological importance.

Can be combined with a Design and Access Statement if required.

Updated: February 2017
Status: National requirement
Source: NPPF & Policy PP17 of the Peterborough Planning Policies DPD

This not part of the local list.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is governed by the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011 (hereafter called the regulations).

The regulations set out the procedures to be followed by both applicants and local planning authorities where a development project may have significant impact upon the environment. This brief note is no substitute for these regulations and in most instances applicants proposing the sort of development likely to be subject to EIA will seek advice from their own consultants.

The type of development requiring submission of an Environmental Statement (ES – the document that will need to accompany a planning application if the proposal is EIA development) will fall into two categories as set out in Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 to the regulations.

Schedule 1 development lists a variety of development types with thresholds where submission of an ES is mandatory.
Schedule 2 development lists a variety of development types with thresholds which if met, require the local planning authority (LPA) to determine if the development is EIA development or not. This process is called adopting a “screening opinion.”

Screening opinions

An applicant or developer can, under the regulations request that the LPA (or the relevant Secretary of State) provide a screening opinion prior to the submission of an application. The LPA will take into account various factors such as scale of the development, its location in terms of the surrounding type of environment and how severe the impacts might be. Such criteria is listed in Schedule 3 to the regulations.

If a developer is unsure whether a proposal is EIA development or not, we advise that a request for a screening opinion is submitted at the earliest possible stage in the development process and well before submission of a planning application. At present screening opinion requests do not require a fee and the requirements for requesting a screening opinion are set out in Part 5 of the regulations. The LPA has 21 days to respond to such requests.

Where a screening opinion has not been carried out

If an application is submitted which might appear to require a screening opinion, the LPA can treat such application as requiring a screening opinion before accepting the submission as a validly made planning application. In such rare occasions we will adopt a screening opinion (within 21 days) before validating an application and undertaking consultation.

If the application requires an Environmental Statement and does not have one, we will encourage the applicant not to submit the application until the ES is ready. Otherwise the application will be made invalid.

Applications which are for EIA development are subject to particular consultation including newspaper notices and site notices. Therefore whether development is or is not EIA development needs to be clear before validation and consultation takes place. This is to ensure legal requirements are fulfilled, the proposals are publicly available and anyone with an interest has a fair opportunity to make their views known.

Should a screening opinion be issued which states that the proposed project is EIA development, the developer can then submit an outline of the matters the developer considers should form part of the ES. The LPA must respond to such requests within 5 weeks. The LPA reply is called the “scoping opinion.” There is presently no fee to make a scoping request.

Both screening requests/opinions and scoping requests/opinions are publicly available documents and will be published as such on our website.

Note: The regulations are being reviewed by the government in light of the decision to leave the European Union but are likely to be retained in a similar form for the time being.

Updated: February 2017
Status: Local requirement
Source: Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2011 (SI 2011 No 1824).

Required for full and reserved matters applications where the proposal

  • contains two or more dwellings or educational accommodation, and is
  • 18m or more in height, or 7 or more storeys

Status: National requirement

Published: 06 September 2024