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Electronic Communications code operators have Permitted Development rights under Part 24 of Schedule 2 of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (as amended).

A number of forms of electronic communications development which are permitted under the provisions of the GPDO are subject to a 56-day prior approval procedure (paragraph A.2(4) of Part 24) and as such an application must be made to the Local Planning Authority.

Please also refer to Planning Policy Guidance 8 together with the Code of Best Practice on Mobile Phone Network Development (2002) for further guidance.

What you need to submit

The list below details supporting documents that may need to be submitted as part of your application. Please refer to each section below in order to determine whether or not you need to submit it as part of your application.

Always required

You can either use the application form OR provide a full written description of the proposed development, including details of the materials to be used and dimensions in metric. The written description must give the full name and postal address for the applicant and/or agent as well as their email address and telephone contact number.

If you use the application form please ensure that you have completed every section before submitting. Where sections or questions are not relevant please state this on the form.

The associated help file for this type of application can be found online.

Apply using 

Please note: "Apply online" websites are provided by private companies who may charge additional fees for their services. Peterborough City Council offer no technical support for customers using these sites, if you encounter an issue please contact the relevant website service helpdesk. If you opt to download and complete the application form instead it is your responsibility to ensure that the forms, the appropriate supporting documentation and correct fee are sent to Peterborough City Council either by email or post.

Always required

For details of our planning fees please see the fee schedule.

You can now pay online directly to Peterborough City Council.

Always required

A plan which:

  • identifies the land to which the application relates;
  • is drawn to an identified scale;
  • identifies the proposed position of the equipment;
  • shows the direction of north;
  • and includes a scale bar.

Always required where the applicant is not the sole owner of the application site.

Evidence must be provided that the developer has given notice of the proposed development in accordance with paragraph A.3 (1) of Part 24 of Schedule 2 to the General Permitted Development Order 1995. This can either be:

  • By serving a developer's notice on every such person whose name and address is known; or
  • Where reasonable steps have been taken to ascertain the names and addresses of every such person but has been unable to do so, by local advertisement.

Always required where the application site is within 3 kilometres of an aerodrome

Where proposed development consists of the installation of a mast within 3 kilometres of the perimeter of an aerodrome, evidence must be provided that the developer has notified the Civil Aviation Authority, the Secretary of State for Defence or the Aerodrome operator in accordance with paragraph A.3(2) of Part 24 of Schedule 2 to the General Permitted Development Order 1995.

Always required where the application site is within 500 metres of a school/college.

Where proposed development consists of the installation, alteration or replacement of a base station on or near a school or college, evidence must be provided that the developer has consulted the relevant body and the outcome of this consultation.

Please provide any supporting evidence that may be required for this application.

Always required

The following information must be provided as part of any application:

  • A signed declaration that the equipment and installation fully complies with the International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) requirements;
  • Technical information including the frequency, modulation characteristics, power output and the height of the proposed antenna; and
  • Technical justification - details about the purpose of the site and why the particular development is required.

This is not an essential requirement for validation purposes, but the case officer is unlikely to be able to properly assess the application unless the following drawings are submitted:

  • Site layout plan at a minimum scale of 1:500 showing the boundaries of the site; the position of existing and proposed equipment (including all antennas and radio equipment housing); any means of enclosure; the position of any adjoining buildings or trees; any landscaping proposals; and the means of access.
  • Elevations at a minimum scale of 1:100 detailing the height, width, materials and external appearance of the proposed equipment and any radio equipment housing (including colour); similar details of any structure and/or buildings to which the equipment is proposed to be attached; details of equipment to be removed (if any); and any adjacent buildings, trees, means of enclosure or other electronic communications equipment.
  • Roof plan (where electronic communications equipment is proposed on the roof of a building) _ at a minimum scale of 1:100 showing the whole roof of the building; and details of existing and proposed equipment including all antennas, radio equipment housing, access platforms and air conditioning plant.

Always required

Evidence (usually in the form of a drawing) showing the required area of search should be provided including existing and proposed coverage diagrams.

Details of alternative sites rejected within this area should be also be provided and justification for rejecting them: this should include existing masts, structures and other buildings within the search area.

Where no alternative sites have been considered please provide an explanation as to why this has not been the case.

This is not an essential requirement.

The rating of the application site under the Traffic Light Model.

A statement detailing the consultation carried out prior to the submission of an application in line with the Code of Best Practice (2002) Ten Commitments (where relevant).

This is not an essential requirement.

Supplementary Information Template (as set out in Annex F of the Code of Best Practice on Mobile Phone Network Development) (2002).

Published: 01 September 2022